Consumer Durables: What Part of Retail Sales Are They?

Consumer Durables: What Part of Retail Sales Are They?

Consumer durables are a significant part of retail sales. The exact percentages of it fluctuate depending on economic factors like consumer spending habits. Consumer durables or durable goods are the products expected to last for at least three years. The products are expected to last for at least three years with minimum wear and tear. Examples of consumer durables are appliances, furniture electronics, and automobiles.

Consumer durables are the tracked categories within the core retail sales data. This data is monitored by governments and economic institutions to understand consumer spending trends.

Like the other economic booms, consumers are more likely to splurge on big-ticket durable goods like furniture and other appliances. The controversy and the economic downturns can lead to a decrease in spending on the durables as the people prioritize the essential items.

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